04 Jun Why Certification Matters
If you are like me, when you consult a medical professional, you would like that person to be at the top of his game; to be the best possible person to treat you and your family according to your needs and wishes. But, in this day and age, of medical services and surgical professionals from the newly available aesthetic treatments to the more serious treatments and surgeries how do you go about dependably verifying the credentials and reputation of the person you are about to let in to your life as an important advisor and confidant?
Not a lot of people know this, but, in every jurisdiction there is a governing board of medical specialties which oversees the competency, knowledge base, and skill set of its member physicians and surgeons. This is known as a board of medical specialties.
Doctors must voluntarily apply for, fulfill candidacy requirements, and pass the certifying examinations of their medical specialty in order to be deemed safe, and worthy of upholding the standard of care.
However, some questionable doctors forgo the certifying process and choose to practice medicine without having passed examinations and are thus noted as non-board certified. Most doctors and surgeons choose to undergo this rigourous certification process that validates their clinical position in the community. And others choose not to become board-certified, either because they do not meet the certifying standards, or simply because they choose not to put in the effort and The time required for the certification process in order to validate the clinical skills.
Thus, when researching a physician and surgeon, insisting on a Doctor Who is board certified is your best guarantee of dealing with a recognized and certified specialist in his field. How do you know if your doctor is board certified? The simplest way is to ask his staff when you call to make an appointment. You can simply ask which medical board has certified this doctor and in which jurisdiction. For example if consulting a plastic surgeon, he should be certified by ” The American Board of Plastic Surgery ” or by The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada”.
In recent years, there have been several reports of unfavorable and adverse events following procedures performed by physicians. Many of these surgeons have not gone through plastic surgery residency, and have not qualified to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Complications can happen with any type of surgery; however, confirming your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada serves as a warranty for the type of training your surgeon has received and the type of exams he/she needed to successfully pass, in order to receive that certification.
On average, plastic surgery training includes sixteen years of post-high school education, including specific training in reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery under direct supervision. Board-certified plastic surgeons have not only met very demanding requirements in order to sit for their boards, but they have also successfully passed a written and a 2-day oral examination, being critically evaluated for their fund of knowledge, their ethical standing and their safe and effective approach to multiple reconstructive and cosmetic challenges.
The American Board of Plastic Surgery and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada aims to produce safe, ethical plastic surgeons with an extensive knowledge of the entire spectrum of plastic surgery, who are able to represent our specialty in the highest standards.
All patients seeking plastic surgery procedures should do their homework before choosing their surgeon. Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is a qualification not easily obtained, which demonstrates a high level of training and education, necessary for optimal results and patient satisfaction.